Wisconsin Auto insurance laws

 Wisconsin had a population of more than 5.8 million people in 2019, according to the United States Census Bureau. Wisconsin had nearly 4.3 million licenced drivers in the same year. With so many people on the road in Wisconsin, accidents are unavoidable. According to Wisconsin statistics from 2019

Wisconsin Auto insurance laws

There were 145,288 traffic accidents. 

511 people were killed in traffic accidents. 

In traffic accidents, 28,791 people were injured.
Alcohol was a factor in 6,058 accidents.
Alcohol was a factor in 140 deaths.
Speeding was a factor in 21,813 accidents.
Speeding was a factor in 163 fatalities.

Owning a vehicle equipped with safety features such as airbags, anti-lock brakes, and electronic stability control can help you avoid accidents and serious injuries. You can also safeguard your assets by purchasing car insurance. All drivers in Wisconsin are required to have certain types of auto insurance. If you do not have the required coverage, you may face a hefty fine.
Wisconsin auto insurance laws
Every state requires drivers to carry a certain amount of auto insurance. According to the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, car owners are only required to carry bodily injury liability, property damage liability, and uninsured motorist coverage, which includes:
Liability for bodily harm per person: $25,000
Liability for bodily injury per accident: $50,000 

Liability for property damage per accident: $10,000
Per person bodily injury caused by an uninsured motorist: $25,000
Wisconsin liability insurance 

Wisconsin law only requires drivers to carry bare-bones liability coverage, which is designed to pay for the damages of others in the event of an accident.
Because the liability coverage you purchase will only pay up to the limit, many drivers choose to purchase more than the minimum. If you total another driver's 2021 Honda Accord, the replacement cost could be up to $26,000, which is $16,000 more than Wisconsin's property damage liability minimum of $10,000. A hospital stay can cost up to $10,000 per day. If you cause an accident that injures another driver, Wisconsin's $25,000 minimum bodily injury liability coverage is unlikely to cover all medical expenses.If the costs of injury or damage exceed your insurance limits, you must pay the difference.
Financial advisors advise having more liability coverage than the bare minimum. If you have a high net worth, you may require higher liability limits. A personal umbrella policy is an excellent choice. If you are at fault in a car accident and have exhausted your liability limits, your umbrella policy will kick in to cover the remaining costs.

Is Wisconsin a fault-free state?
A few states have passed no-fault laws requiring all motorists to have personal injury protection (PIP) coverage.
No-fault insurance laws require drivers to file claims with their own insurance company regardless of who is at fault in an accident.
They also limit the number of lawsuits involving traffic accidents.
Because Wisconsin is not a no-fault state, Badger Drivers in the state are not required to carry PIP, which means they do not have the litigation protections afforded by a no-fault law. When insuring a vehicle in Wisconsin, always purchase enough liability coverage to protect all of your assets, and think about adding the extra protection of an umbrella policy.

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